Abboccato's Spaghettini with Razor Clams & Bottarga
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Abboccato’s Spaghettini with Razor Clams & Bottarga

By Chef de Cuisine Jake Addeo
(Yield – 4 portions)


  • 16 oz. Spaghettini Pasta
  • 4 0z. Extra virgin Olive Oil
  • 3 Garlic Gloves, sliced thin
  • 1 Tsp. Red Pepper Flakes
  • 12 oz. Razor Clams, Cut in 2 inch Pieces
  • ½ Orange, zested
  • 1 oz. Seasoned Bread Crumbs (see recipe below)
  • 2 oz. Bottarga, thinly sliced

Boil 1-2 gallons of water in a large pot. When water comes to a boil add fine sea salt until the water tastes like sea water. Add pasta and set a timer for 6 min.
~ In a large sauté pan add ½ of the olive oil with the sliced garlic.  Sauté until the garlic is translucent.  Add red pepper flakes, then add 1 cup of the boiling salted pasta water. Turn off heat.
~ When there is 1 min left on your timer, put sauté pan back on the heat and bring to a boil. When the timer goes off remove pasta from water and add it to the sauté pan let cook for 1 min in the pan…

~ Add razor clams, orange zest, and bread crumbs. Toss pasta in pan
and slowly add reaming ½ of the olive oil while continuing to toss. If
you have to adjust the consistency of the sauce you can add a little
more of the salted pasta water.  The sauce should just coat the pasta.
~ Place Pasta in a Serving Bowl, garnish with more bread crumbs, and Bottarga.

Seasoned Bread Crumbs

  • 2 oz. Extra Virgin Olive oil2 lemons, zested
  • 4 gloves of garlic Grated Fine
  • 1 Quart of bread crumbs
  • 1 oz. Chopped Parsley

~ In a large sauté Pan on low heat add oil, lemon zest, and garlic, cook until the garlic is translucent.
~ Add Bread crumbs and Parsley toss in pan and cook until golden brown. Remove from and let cool.

Address: 136 W. 55th Street, nr. Sixth Ave.
Phone: (212)265-4000

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