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Guide to the 2nd Annual Queens Beer Week

581841_218eff4ae420498dbcf784680c0ffbfe.png_srz_p_512_487_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srzWhile it’s still a ways away from becoming the next Brooklyn, Queens continues to assert itself as a burgeoning food destination all its own, with legitimately noteworthy openings like Long Island City’s Mu Ramen, and the recent announcement of an international night market as well.

And buoyed by the fact that an inordinate number of New York’s local breweries call the borough home, Queens is holding its 2nd annual Beer Week from May 8th-17th, featuring boozy festivities at a number of suds-friendly establishments.  So here are some standout celebrations you won’t want to miss this year — from a beer dinner at The Queens Kickshaw in Astoria, to a momo dumpling tasting at Little Tibet in Jackson Heights.

Queens Beer Dinner at The Queens Kickshaw (5/13): This four year old bar and restaurant (from the owners of the recently opened Wassail) has always put an impressive emphasis on cider — although ciderpear-thumb-565x423their appealingly unique beer selections aren’t too shabby either.  And for $65, they’re pairing both with four courses from chef Kenji Hurlburt this Wednesday, including Artichoke and White Bean Soup with Transmitter Brewing Golden Ale, Beets Three Ways accompanied by Bridge and Tunnel Brewery Belgian IPA, Stinging Nettles Ravioli matched with Singlecut Beersmiths Abbey Ale, and Apple Sorbet with Shiso Leaf paired with Descendant Cider Co. Pom Pomme.

Blood, Sweat and Beer Premiere at Singlecut (5/14): Check out the debut viewing of the feature documentary, Blood, Sweat and Beer at Singlecut, from independent filmmaker Chip Hiden.  The movie tracks the explosive growth of the craft beer industry, as well as the journeys of two start-up breweries — the Brew Gentlemen Beer Company in Braddock, PA matt___asa_-_Brew_Gents_Ext_1(which is hoping to thrive in an economically depressed former steel town), and Backshore Brewing Co. — now called Shorebilly Brewing Co. — on the Ocean City, MD boardwalk, who’s livelihood is threatened by an aggressive trademark lawsuit.

QueensStomp Longer Happier Happy Hour (5/15): Drink your way through Hunters Point during this happy hour beer crawl with QueensStomp, beginning at 5:30pm at the popular gastropub, Alewife, continuing to Opendoor-LIC, which frequently showcases local artists, moving on to LIC Bar, a much-loved, 100-year-old watering hole, and ending up at the Local NY, which will provide Tibet-momosplenty of post-stomp bites from an area food vendor.

Queens Beer and Momos at Little Tibet (5/16): Due to its impressively multicultural makeup, Jackson Heights has become a veritable wonderland for adventurous eaters, who think nothing of trekking to the far reaches of Queens for Oaxacan, Indian, or Filipino fare.  And since Tibetan cuisine is one of the neighborhood’s true hallmarks, you’ll want to meet at Little Tibet for their Queens Beer Week celebration, featuring momos (little dumplings) paired with local ales from Transmitter, Rockaway and Beyond Brewing.

fattys-cafBig Alice Rum Brunch at Fatty’s Café (5/17): It may seem odd to close out a beer week with rum, but hey, that’s just how Queens rolls.  Fatty’s Café — an Astoria institution — is teaming up with Long Island City’s Big Alice Brewing for the world’s first ever bRUMch; expect Caribbean-inspired breakfast items coupled with sugarcane-based liquor.

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