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BBQ GrillComb Skewers

Screen Shot 2013-07-09 at 1.11.22 PMEvery summer, we search out the Best BBQ Tools to ensure we’re grill ready for the season.  And as far as BBQ gadgets are concerned, we’ve seen it all… LED BBQ thermometers, slider trays, fancy burger molds, flexible grilling skewers, and we could go on.  But this is one was a first for us.

We’ll happily welcome these Comb-Shaped Skewers to our arsenal of BBQ tools.  If you’ve ever tried to grill vegetables, you know how hard it is to achieve a great char without losing half of these delicate, little suckers between the grates.  Which is why we love the comb component, which tightly holds onto every precious and hopefully local cherry tomato, sliver of pepper, onion or asparagus.  That includes shrimp, scallops and delicate crustaceans.  It comes with a set of four stainless steel, GrillComb skewers, each one perfect for an individual portion.  Happy grilling season!

Fusionbrands GrillComb Set $19.95

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