City Harvest's Bid Against Hunger
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City Harvest’s Bid Against Hunger

City Harvest is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with its annual fundraiser, Bid Against HungerThe fund raising goal for this year’s event is $565,000, which will help feed
over 8,600 hungry New Yorkers for an entire year.  Throughout the event, 50 of NYC’s most talented chefs will be offering tastes from their finest dishes, while guests will  be able to bid on exclusive auction packages through both live
and silent auctions.

When: Tuesday, October 23rd
VIP Reception 6:00pm
7:00pm Event Begins

Where: Metropolitan Pavilion – North
125 W. 18th St., btwn. 6th and 7th Ave.

Confirmed guests include: Billy Crudup, Rachael Ray, Amy
Sedaris, Lauren Hutton, Michael Imperioli, Nicole Miller, Maurice Dubois and
Mike Lombardi.

For event inquiries, tickets or to
make a donation, contact Naomi Giges at 917.351.8778 or ngiges@cityharvest.org.
VIP admission is
available from $500-$1,000. General
admission tickets are $250.

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