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Do or Dine

1108 Bedford Avenue,
NY 11216
Phone: (718) 684-2290

The guys over at Do or Dine don’t do normal.  That’s just not their thing.  Their take on Fish and Chips isn’t deep fried fish with fries, but rather, a whole entire snapper, served with the head on, and a side of yuzu-frites.  Their doughnuts are filled with foie gras instead of jelly or cream, and even their storefront is a bit out of the box, with the “Do or Dine” signage hidden under an awning advertising for a West Indian Restaurant.  But while the vibe here is playful, the guys at Do or Dine aren’t playing around in the kitchen.  They’re dedicated to delivering good food, inventive dishes, and some great flavors.  That fact is no more evident that in the dish known as “George’s Steak Tartare” (named after one of the chefs, George McNeese).  They’ve revamped the classic by using chopped lean beef tenderloin and tossing it with mustard and mayo.  They’ve swapped out the Worcestershire for Sriracha and the finished the dish off with a quail egg.  And keeping with the lighthearted nature of the restaurant, the tartare itself is molded in the shape of a cow and served on top of a small bed of microgreens.  Afterall, that’s what this place is all about: Seriously good food with a side of humor.

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