Recession Proof Baking Tips
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Recession Proof Baking Tips

chocogic.JPGIn my endless search for ice cream recipes that don’t require an ice cream machine, I unearthed a Hershey’s Chocolate Cookbook from 1934.  It’s my best discovery to date and the cheapest to make.  Start by melting 2 oz. of dark chocolate in a bowl over boiling water.  Add a cup of sweetened condensed milk and stir for five minutes.  Then add a cup of water, let cool, add 1 cup of whipped cream, and 1/4 tsp of flavoring extract.  Place it in a shallow pan and put it in the freezer.   It’s easier than making brownies.

pineapplefluff.JPGI love old school desserts — junket custards, jello molds, upside down cake.   This pineapple dessert is easy, cheap and truly gratifying.  I found it In the Settlement Cookbook.  It calls for three inexpensive ingredients and yields excellent results. Mix together a half pound of mini marshmallows with drained pineapple from a can. Then, pour a cup of heavy cream over it and place in the fridge overnight. Serve this ambrosia ice cold in small bowls – it’s a delicious combination for barely any money. If you want, add a sprinkle of toasted coconut.

buttersugar.JPGThe English don’t get enough credit for their pastries.  Trifle, treacle pudding, or plum pudding.   What accompanies plum pudding is genius — hard sauce.  And it goes with any dessert  Just beat together a very soft 1/3 cup of butter with a cup of sifted confectioner’s sugar. Add a few drops of vanilla. If you want a creamier sauce, gradually add about 3 tablespoons of milk, and a teaspoon of brandy for even more flavor.


  1. Good question. It’s whipping cream not whipped cream.

  2. Does the ice cream recipe call for whipping cream or whipped cream? In other words, do I need to whip the cream before adding it to the bowl?

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