Dual BBQ Grill Pan
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Dual BBQ Grill Pan

207584e.jpgIt’s the height of BBQ season and we’ve been taking full advantage of cooking on the grill.  Really, there isn’t much that doesn’t taste better grilled – our recent favorites are peaches and octopus.   The only complain we have is that smaller ingredients, like local stone fruits or shellfish, fall through the grates of the grill and are lost forever.

So we did a little digging and found the Dual Grill Pan, (pictured right) that prevents anything from falling into the flames.   The pan lays flat across the top of any grill, so there’s no chance of losing food.   The perforated side of the pan is perfect for cooking vegetables and shellfish, while the ridged side is made for big cuts of meat, like steak or chicken.  It’s also nonstick, which makes for easy clean up.  That something you don’t hear often when you’re grilling.

$19.95, Cooking.com

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