Restaurant Week Extended
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Restaurant Week Extended

Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for wrw_rotating_1_620x215_new.jpgThe phrase “Restaurant Week” is being used pretty loosely these days.  Winter Restaurant Week became Restaurant Month and it looks like it’s not going anywhere, at least until Friday, March 20th (the first day of Spring.)  A whopping 130 restaurants will be participating, lunch for $24.07 and dinner for $35.00.

And this year, it’s a whole new Restaurant Week.   The good ones aren’t offering B list menus, most are serving dishes from their regular menu.  The best deals?  Le Cirque and Matsugen are both participating for lunch and dinner.  And you might want to consider taking a long lunch because Cafe Boulud, Aquavit, and Telepan are all open for restaurant week lunch and they’re not holding back on the menu.  

You might want to make reservations fast.

See the list of restaurants and make your reservations at www.nycgo.com/restaurantweek.

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